Friday, 6 April 2012

My Pickled Onion Experiment

I love pickled food; I would probably live off it if I could. This experiment started off as a an attempt to pickle chillies after a glut of very very very hot chillies in my mum’s green house. I did not have enough to fill a jar so I added garlic and an onion to bulk it out. I poured Pickling vinegar over the top and left for a month. The resulting onions were volcanically spicy (and I like hot food) but the chillies had lost some of their heat which was one of the results I was looking for. I decided then to have as go a pickling some onions for Christmas

What I used
A chopping Board
2 jars (I put them in the oven to sterilize them)
Rubber gloves

1 bag of small onions
1 lieter of pickling vinegar (I used a bit less that this but that was the size of the jar it was sold in)
2 small chilies
1 cinnamon stick
Handful of pepper corns

Jar 1
I cut the majority of the onions into large chunks and de seeded and chopped chillies (use the rubber gloves while handling the chillies if you are like me and have very sensitive skin, no do, really really do)

partly filled jar shot.

 Put in a jar


Add some pepper corns.

 put more onions in the jar and use achop stick to mix everything about. Don't over fill the jar as you have to put the viniger in as well.


Top off with viniger
I left this for about 3 weeks in the pantry.
These had an extreme flavour, they were very strong and made my nose run. However I think if I had left them for longer they may have been milder.

Jar 2
I left most of the onions in this jar whole and just peeled them. After putting them in the jar with a cinnamon stick and covering with the viniger I left them for about 6 weeks before opening the jar.
A vast improvement on jar 1, had a slightly milder taste from being left longer and the taste of cinnamon has infused the onions however it was a very mild cinnamon taste. These onions are not for the faint hearted, but are much more palatable than the original experiment with the chillies.

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